Today I have a brainwave!

Today I came up with the definate setting of "The game I'm making in quarantine"

It is going to be set in a shopping mall! - As seen in WIP speed paint I posted today

What's next?
  • The background is going to be moving as are all the backgrounds in my game
  • This one is going to have people walking around in the background
  • A fountain or just some water is going to be in the center green tub thing
  • There is going to be  shop front at the back
Why did I choose a shopping mall?

Personally I love games where you get to own your own stores and have to cater to customers needs, which is what this one is going to be.

You are going to get to design your own store (which is why I haven't drawn the front of the store as it will be customisable) 

That's really as far as my ideas go at the moment, I know Maddie the VSCO girl is going to be one of your co-workers and she is going to be annoying. 

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